Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today We had Carrots!!

Ava was ready to for her lunch!
Until She got a taste of what she was having!

After 10 minutes, she decided Carrots were in fact yummy.

Lyv, never hesitated to enjoy her lunch!
apparently I do NOT feed at the proper speed because she started to help!

My babies aren't such Infants anymore!
Is it weird that I think feeding the girls solids is like the most fun of my day! Also I get excited picking their food out! :o)


  1. I am dreading Will starting on solids...I love the clean bottle feeding! Haha!

  2. Eh...we are about a week into cereal and you know they are starting to get good at it...the carrot mess way less than I expected...the pictures show the worst of their mess today so I can't complain...NOW the diapers...thats where I am not excited HAHA!

  3. SO cute we havent started with paige yet x
