Monday, July 12, 2010


Eric and I discussed about a week ago that our house was about to become "Sandor Boot Camp"

We were going to get all kids over the age of 4 months (LOL) Fully Day and Night potty trained.

We were going to get all kids at this address eating well!!

We were going to implement a discipline routine that worked on the kids rather than bribes and begging LOL

We KNEW in order to do this we had to be on the SAME PAGE as parents. What I say goes even when I AM NOT home.

Today was day 1. Our primary focus today was Lauryn and the potty. Through our experience with AJ that is at many times ongoing...we had a plan..

NO DAYTIME PULL-UPS unless we are leaving the house. These just confuse the kid and end up equivalent to even more expensive diapers.

We got up about 9am today and Lauryn went straight from her overnight diaper to her Dora panties (she chose them) Not 5 minutes later she was singing about going "pee on the potty" She spent about 1/2 of the day naked bc the girl thinks that in order to use the potty she must take everything 100% off. Hey you won't get a complaint from me if she's using the potty and not the carpet. We learned today that Miss THANG is fully capable of taking her panties OFF and putting the back ON when finished with NO PARENTAL assistance...This I was unaware of and the NEVER were on backwards...pretty impressive if you ask me! We also learned that she can open the bathroom door, open the toilet lid, place her Dora seat onto the potty, move the foot stool to the potty and climb on, do what she needs and get the toilet paper without assistance as well. SHOCKED!!! Then she can get down from the potty no issue!

The girl peed in her undies ONE time the entire day.

SHOCK is the only way I can describe my thoughts!!

Neither child napped today so at 6:44 when they asked for night night we weren't gonna turn them down! We put a diaper on Lauryn for overnight. 1.5hr later she woke up with a dry diaper asking to go to "pee on the potty" SCORE

MAYBE just MAYBE this will be a shorter and easier road than AJ's Potty Training Road!! BOY its amazing the difference in 2 kids!!!

Now that I sit and reflect on the day...I think Eric and I have been holding Lauryn back, unintentionally. She has hated diapers for a good time now, and OY the diaper fiasco's at bed time...maybe this was her way of saying lets do this FOR REAL mom...I totally think she should and could have been diaper free months ago!!!

And the Toddle Potty NO WAY she wants the real one!!

I am hoping things keep going well!!! They say when a kids is ready they are easy to train...lets hope this is the case because I am Optimistic!!!

Tomorrow we are throwing in the FOOD training dun dun dun...I will have a boy who eats more than chicken nuggets and a girl who will eat fruit that isn't watermelon and veggies that aren't potatoes!!!

Wish us Luck!!!

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