Thursday, July 29, 2010

Eat baby Eat!

Since day 1 Eric and I have kept logs of everything we do for the girls. Every feed, every change, every bath, every time we give medicine etc. We thought with our busy lives it would be extremely helpful. This way if I am busy when Eric gets home and a baby starts crying he doesn't have to ask me when they last ate etc. he can just grab the notebook and look it up. SOOO GLAD WE HAVE DONE THIS! Has become second nature....At night I label the following days page and we start the days over at 12am...so each page is midnight to midnight.

This is Ava's first entry today

I post this just to take note of her bottle at 9:00am!

6oz!!! IN ONE SITTING. My baby Ava, who eats like a bird, took a FULL 6oz bottle!

(Alyvia's chart would show the she only took the normal 4oz; Ava out-ate her sister!!)


1 comment:

  1. WAY TO GO AVA!!!!! That's awesome! And I love the notebook! If Will wasn't on a pretty good eating schedule (he eats at almost the same times every day) I might try it. I bet it makes having 2 of them so much easier...I know I'd probably forget who did what & when.
