Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Times Change...& FAST

I am working on a post...
kind of...
I'm not sure what I want to write.
I have a lot to say but not sure how much I want to share with the world.


~I am back to work!
~I love my kids more than anything.
~My husband is the worlds best father!
~I am one lucky lady to have the 5 of them!

I am just really busy & have A lot going on.
Thinking Facebook will be a MUCH MORE INFREQUENT hobby of mine...
Will still try to blog regularly (I will more once I'm online for school every night)

Adjustments all around. We will get there :o)


  1. I will miss you on FB! But glad you'll still be blogging :o)

  2. i will miss you on fb too! but i understand & will check your blog regularly! hugs to you & hugs to those adorable lil girls from savannah :)

  3. Thanks girls. I'll still be on FB just not in the capacity as I was before...Not only, will I no longer have time...but I just can't stand the social networking drama and annoying people anymore :o)

    PLUS with a 40/hr week job and 14 credit hours my "free time" will be dedicated to my family :o)

